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Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi - Between Me and P - ph Roberta Segata courtesy Centrale Fies2

(2016 - ongoing)
In 2016, Clara was invited by the multidisciplinary artist Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi in Milan to participate in the realisation of the performance "Between me and P." as project assistant and choreographer. The performance is a compositional research based on the author's historical biographical experience interwoven with the history of the Italian political landscape of the late 1980s. The collaboration is still active today. Filippo produced the play EVE #1 premiering at Milano Danae Festival 2019 and the play EVE #2 premiering at the Venice Biennale Teatro 2020 and Clara played a supporting role in the creation.

The two artists are currently working on an accessible version of the play Between me and P. for the deaf and blind to premiere in Opera Estate Festival in August 2023.

The collaboration with Filippo provides an important link for Clara to the theme of family and heritage. The combination of Clara's profound knowledge of the body and somatics expanded Filippo's compositional and archival work.

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