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Clara Federica Crescini 


is a choreographer and dancer.

She feeds her research through discovery and the study of movement, travel as a resource for life, literature and philosophy as an enrichment of the poetry of the soul. She has been dancing contemporary dance since 2010. In her artistic work, the body is a fundamental research tool. She explores the materiality of her surroundings through outdoor sensory practices and deep listening. She considers dance as a tool for human development and choreography as a revelation of structures. She questions the relationship with femininity, ecology and anthropological issues to challenge a repositioning of the self.

Claire was born in Milan and comes from a family that has emigrated from other places in Italy for generations. She sees herself as a contemporary nomad. In Milan in 2012, she trained at the Recherches Centre for Contemporary Dance "Tilt" under the artistic direction of Enzo Procopio and Maddalena Borasio. There she practiced various movement, dance and choreography techniques and studied with various members of the Trisha Brown Dance Company, such as Diane Madden and Lance Gries, among others, more Susanne Rethorts. In 2010 she met choreographer and teacher Cinzia Delorenzi in Milan, with whom she developed a long-standing relationship of study and collaboration. Cinzia Delorenzi and her work are a great inspiration for Claire. As such, she constantly attends Cinzia's somatic practice workshops, contemporary dance in the studio and in nature, and participates in performance and choreography groups led by Delorenzi.

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