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Research project of ecosomatic movement in water

From the emergence of life from water to the relationships between humans and large marine mammals, the research ACQUA MADRE revolves around the relationship of humans to the sea and its significance.This specific research phase explores the relationship with water, movement in it and resonances with the human body. We begin life swimming in amniotic fluid, which has almost the same composition as seawater. Dolphins and whales have developed additional sensory abilities to move, see and communicate. In humans, these abilities are latent but have not disappeared. This investigation of water movement and its inhabitants is the starting point for the question of how humanity today deals with itself, its origins and its environment. The first phase of the research consists of exploring the theoretical part, such as large marine mammals, our present relationship and evolutionary kinship with them, and human embryology, as starting points for practice with the body. A subsequent part takes place in practical sessions in the water (sea, pool, lakes). Through the practical testing of eco-somatic movement and dance practice, material can be collected that will subsequently serve as a starting point for choreographic development.




Clara F. Crescini : idea development and transmission

Alessandra Sparano : dancer collaborator 

Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi : underwater photo, video and support collaborator


Developed with and in Liepnitzsee, kleine Muggelsee, Kaulsdorfer See, in Berlin.

Through a Stipendium from #TAKEHEART Residenzförderung BIP in partnership with Tanzhaus Düsseldorf nrw

Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.

Thanks to the support of Rhizoma/le pratiche dell’ascolto by Cinzia Delorenzi


photos by Filippo M. Ceredi

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